Men’s immigration experiences: better understanding for better engagement


April avril 2024
New Residence Hall, 3625 avenue du Parc, Montréal

Speaker’s biographies

The SHERPA University Institute team, affiliated with the CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’île-de-Montréal, and its partners (ROHIM, RVP, CARI St-Laurent, Baobab familial, RePère, With the financial support of the Comité régional Santé et bien-être des hommes de Montréal and  Community health and social services network), are pleased to announce an upcoming symposium on the theme of men’s immigration

This event will provide a unique opportunity to bring together people from a wide range of backgrounds to look at migration and integration from an angle that is largely undocumented in research and little explored in intervention: that of the experience of immigrant and refugee men.

Although it has been shown that the impacts of migration can be experienced differently according to gender, few research or intervention programs have focused on the specific needs of men. Yet a clear understanding of a population’s specific needs and vulnerabilities is central to the development of appropriate and effective interventions and services.

This symposium has three specific objectives:

  • To gain a better understanding of men’s migration and the specific challenges and issues it presents, bringing together practice and research expertise;
  • To raise awareness among researchers, decision-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders of the importance of taking an interest in immigrant men and fathers, while recognizing the potential for bias in the development of research projects, training, intervention programs, services, etc;
  • To explore and share promising practices to better support immigrant men and accompany them on their migration journey.


April 16 2024


Welcome speech and address: Danièle Boudreau, Policy and Program Advisor, ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration


Men, masculinities and migration: theoretical perspectives

Katarzyna Wojnicka, Associate Professor of Sociology and Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Work Science and the Centre for European Research, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Katarzyna Wojnicka is also an Editor-in-chief for NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. Before joining the Department of Sociology and Work Science at the University of Gothenburg, she held postdoctoral researcher positions at several European universities: University of Leeds, UK; Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany and University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She also worked as a Project Manager at the DeZIM German Centre for Integration and Migration and at the Dissens Institute for Education and Research in Berlin, Germany. Her current scientific interests include critical studies on men and masculinities, migration and integration studies, social movements studies, and European studies. She is the author of over 60 scientific articles, book chapters, and reports and co-editor of three books. She has worked in over a dozen research projects focusing on gender and men and masculinities’ issues





Concurrent workshops session

Evolving masculinities: how do different generations of Bangladeshi men in Canada identify the meaning of manhood

Abu Saleh Mohammad Sowad, PhD Candidate, Social and Cultural Analysis, Concordia University

This study explores the nuanced perceptions of masculinities across generations of diasporic Bangladeshi men in Canada, aiming to redefine gender roles positively. Investigating how diasporic identities and experiences shape distinct expectations and relationships related to gender, the study delves into the transformation of normative masculinities among different generations. It analyzes socio-cultural variations and intersectional identities regarding gender roles within the unique diasporic environment. By examining these dynamics, the study comprehensively explores how individuals conceptualize masculinities amidst normative Bangladeshi culture, Bangladeshi diasporic culture in Canada, and normative Canadian culture. It highlights the constant transformation of masculinities among different diasporic generations, emphasizing the hybrid nature of gendered conceptualization and providing valuable insights into the evolving nature of masculinities within the Bangladeshi diaspora, unveiling the interplay of identity, culture, and gender in a transnational setting.


Challenges of adaptation and integration for Nigerian immigrant men in Quebec

Karamo Faruk Konneh, Research Assistant and Master’s Student, University of Montreal
This study delves into the challenges encountered by Nigerian immigrant men in adapting to Quebec, Canada, emphasizing the cultural, social, economic, and systemic factors influencing their integration process. Cultural and social hurdles include culture shock, language barriers, and social isolation, with French proficiency being crucial for employment. Economic challenges stem from a lack of recognition for qualifications, leading to low-skilled jobs and contributing to disparities. The complex immigration system results in systemic challenges, impacting access to basic services. Psychological and emotional stress arises from adaptation difficulties, leading to frustration and discrimination-related trauma. Despite these challenges, Nigerian immigrant men exhibit resilience, utilizing community support and cultural competency training. The study suggests targeted policies, including recognizing foreign qualifications, improving language programs, reducing systemic barriers, and fostering cultural sensitivity. In conclusion, addressing these multifaceted challenges requires collaborative efforts from the government, community organizations, and individuals to establish a more inclusive and supportive atmosphere for Nigerian male immigrants in Quebec.



Young men’s tension and bond with immigrant-Bangladeshi parents concerning their couple formation process in Canada

Mahmudul Hassan, PhD Candidate, School of Social work, McGill University

This study investigates the intergenerational dynamics within immigrant Bangladeshi families in Canada, focusing on the relationships between young adults (1.5 generation and 2nd generation) and their parents during the process of dating, cohabitation, and marriage. Through interviews with 10 young men from Bangladeshi families in Toronto, Montreal, and Calgary, the study reveals that, while many young adults express solidarity with their parents on dating and marriage, they perceive their immigrant Bangladeshi parents as strict regarding pre-marital relationships. Some participants faced conflicts with their parents during dating. The findings highlight a perception among children that their immigrant Bangladeshi parents adhere to traditional roles, influencing their control over children’s preferences. The study recommends cultural training and awareness sessions for immigrant parents to foster a more supportive and improved relationship with their children.



Comment mieux comprendre la place des hommes issus d’immigrations récentes dans les salles d’accouchement ? Questionnements et réflexions soulevés par des infirmières à Montréal

Jacqueline Schneider, chercheure d’établissement, CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’île-de-Montréal

This presentation focuses on the challenges faced by nurses working in delivery rooms of Montreal hospitals, particularly regarding the presence of immigrant spouses during childbirth. Nurses’ inquiries revolve around the place and involvement of men in these spaces, posing challenges in supporting the childbirth process. Some nurses sometimes feel confronted with behaviors conflicting with their values, while narratives mention prejudices and discriminatory practices towards certain immigrant fathers. Preliminary analysis suggests that the challenges encountered are influenced by complex institutional contexts, marked by the primacy of risk, demanding working conditions, and the absence of mechanisms conducive to attentive support. This discussion aims to document nurses’ concerns and their professional challenges in a context of evolving nursing care, emphasizing their role of advocacy without adequate institutional support



Ce que les hommes issus de la diversité culturelle ont à nous apprendre : réfléchir autrement l’intervention

Karine-Sophie Vandal, PhD Candidate, École de travail social, Université de Montréal

The presentation highlights the use of Afro-emancipatory and decolonial approaches in the thesis project, emphasizing the importance of considering non-scientific knowledge to understand the experience and meaningful elements, especially for first-generation immigrant men. The proposed methodological approach aims to integrate frameworks of reference, analysis, and interpretation consistent with the participants’ identity, beliefs, values, and cultural history. This methodology seeks to break away from institutionalized normative frameworks, recognizing that men’s distress often manifests outside of these norms. Additionally, it acknowledges that mental health references within the Haitian community are rooted in cultural, religious, and social beliefs. The central objective of the presentation is to rethink mental health help-seeking beyond institutional perspectives, taking a critical stance on participant recognition, their experiences of illness, and the creation of new non-scientific knowledge.

Mieux accompagner les hommes qui demandent asile

Astou Niane, Social worker and trainer in Crisis Intervention for Men, PRAIDA, CIUSSS Centre-Ouest-de-l’Ile-de-Montréal ; et Jean-Pierre Beauchamp, Social Worker and Trainer in Crisis Intervention for Men, PRAIDA, CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

This workshop explores the specific challenges faced by men seeking asylum in Canada, including cultural shocks, uncertainties related to their status, social ruptures, professional downgrading, and more generally, losses of identity markers. We highlight the challenges faced by interveners in developing practices aimed at improving support for male asylum seekers.


The Coalition of Community Organizations for Workforce Development (COCDMO) collaborated with the Institute of Cooperation for Adult Education (ICÉA) to develop a digital platform for micro-credentials as part of a research project funded by the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail (CPMT). This project aims to recognize and valorize the generic skills of individuals in transition in the labor market, whether they are job seekers or already employed. The platform allows individuals to identify their generic skills, request micro-credentials, and seek endorsements from their peers. The project, focused on recognizing skills developed outside of the academic environment, is discussed in this workshop in relation to its utility for men in immigration situations, who often face difficulties in having their skills recognized in their professional or educational paths. This workshop falls under the theme of initiatives supporting men in their migration journey.

Sylvie Pelletier, researcher, Institute of Cooperation for Adult Education (ICÉA); Natalie Pouliot, General Manager, Coalition of Community Organizations for Workforce Development (COCDMO)


The Alberta Men’s Network (AMN) is a community committed to nonviolence and working with men and all people across the gender spectrum to strengthen healthy families and communities. We work within an anticolonial, antiracist, human rights and feminist lens. In 2016, the AMN, Action Dignity and the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary led a Men’s Survey in Alberta, which gained over 2000 responses from men with diverse experiences and backgrounds. This has guided our community-based projects and participatory action research for the past 8 years. Join us to hear from men about their participation in the ManBox Project through digital storytelling, view the world from the lens of racialized immigrant fathers who share their parenting journeys, and participate in experiential activities by peer facilitators who lead culturally relevant groups to promote well-being, healthy relationships and violence prevention. This presentation is supported by Action Dignity, the Alberta Network of Immigrant Women and the University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work.





Concurrent workshops session

This workshop draws upon Merling Sapene’s personal experiences as an immigrant, wife, and mother, aiming to equip men participants in better supporting their families during the transition to successful integration. As a People Change Management professional, Merling outlines the comprehensive integration journey at the family level, emphasizing the pivotal role of men in family success. The workshop entails identifying anticipated symptoms and emotions at each stage, along with tailored recommendations to address paralysis and overcome obstacles on the path to success. Derived from People Change Management theories, the workshop structure is based on a potent tool known as “The change curve.” This model, attributed to Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1969), delineates the five stages of personal transition during change, exploring elements of relinquishing the past and embracing a different future. Over the years, this model has been globally utilized to assist individuals and organizations through various changes. Some of the themes that will be addressed are: Pre and post-migratory stressors, integration experience and migration status (refugees, asylum seekers, workers temporary, etc.) and Paternity, marital and family relationships of immigrants.

Merling Sapene, M-Transition, in collaboration with 4Korners; Betty Millien, Early Childhood and Families Program Manager, 4Korner; Luz Garcia, Director of operations, 4Korners; Luz Garcia, directrice des opérations, 4korners

Les hommes musulmans migrants et racisés vivant au Québec : quelle place au sein des sciences sociales?

Youssef Benzouine, PhD Candidate, Institut d’études religieuses, Université de Montréal

The presentation explores the negative representations faced by Muslim migrant and racialized men in Quebec, shedding light on stereotypes that describe them as conservative, aggressive, or patriarchal. The speaker proposes a critical examination of social science research on Muslim men in Quebec and Canada, emphasizing that these studies often focus more on representations and discourses than on the actual experiences and practices of these men. The emphasis is on the need to explore the construction and performance of masculinities within this group. Motivations include the lack of attention given to Muslim men in Canadian and Quebec literature in social sciences, which primarily focuses on Muslim women. The speaker also raises questions related to his own position on this delicate subject. and expresses the need for critical reflection to counter homogenizing representations and recognize the diversity of experiences, practices, and positionalities within this group.


Conjuguons la violence au masculin : la représentation de la violence conjugale chez la population masculine de l’Asie du Sud chez la communauté sud-asiatique du Grand Toronto

Omaira Naweed, PhD Candidate, UQAM

The presentation focuses on the findings of Omaira Naweed’s doctoral thesis, which examines representations of domestic violence among men in the South Asian community. The main results of the thesis are presented, along with recommendations for future projects. This presentation provides an overview of the conclusions drawn from in-depth research on this important topic, highlighting the specific perspectives and challenges that men in the South Asian community may face in relation to domestic violence.


La redéfinition de la masculinité et l’intégration des hommes immigrants à la société d’accueil  : constats, défis et stratégies de soutien

Adriana Hernandez Sierra, community worker, INICI Center

Male immigrants face integration challenges stemming internally from the concepts of masculinity acquired in their home countries and externally from the lack of sufficient social support to facilitate their settlement and integration into the host society. In this context, immigrant men’s integration and support groups emerge as a support proposition to address the challenges and issues related to redefining masculinity with the aim of assisting male immigrants in better integrating into the host society.


Cet atelier bilingue explore les expériences des hommes immigrants bénéficiant des services de la Clinique de Violence Domestique de McGill (MDVC). La MDVC propose une intervention de groupe axée sur les traumatismes pour la violence conjugale, comblant ainsi une lacune dans la recherche sur les hommes immigrants et les pères dans ce contexte. L’atelier, animé par des intervenants de la MDVC et une équipe de recherche de la Faculté de Travail Social de McGill, comprend une présentation sur les données sociodémographiques et les facteurs des incidents de violence conjugale parmi les hommes immigrants. La MDVC décrit leur intervention axée sur les traumatismes, et les deux équipes présentent conjointement des récits issus des entretiens de recherche, mettant en lumière les expériences vécues rarement entendues des hommes immigrants et des pères dans le contexte de la violence conjugale. L’objectif de l’atelier est de fournir des informations et des opportunités pour mieux soutenir cette population et promouvoir la prévention de la violence conjugale.

Katherine Maurer, professeure adjointe, École de service social, Université McGill; Derrolton James, gestionnaire des services de soutien clinique, CIUSSS-Centre-Ouest-de-l’Ile-de-Montréal et directeur et superviseur clinique, Clinique sur la Violence familiale de McGill; Nathaniel Mosseau, chercheur et clinicien, Université McGill; Mert Kimyaci, étudiant à la maîtrise, École de travail social, Université McGill et assistant de recherche, Regulation, Affect and Development Laboratory


This workshop proposes a discussion on the challenges related to community intervention with immigrant fathers, as part of a comprehensive action research project on adapting community organization practices to the realities of these fathers. Using the initial results of the project, the workshop explores intervention experiences and the specific needs of practitioners working with immigrant fathers. It presents the findings of an online survey completed by community practitioners to identify their knowledge, practices, and sense of competence in supporting fathers in a migratory context. The data are cross-referenced with the needs expressed by immigrant fathers during individual interviews and best practices identified by experienced practitioners. Drawing inspiration from the support provided by the “Regroupement pour la Valorisation de la Paternité,” the workshop enables participants to appropriate this data and integrate it into their practices with newcomer families.

Christine Gervais, Full Professor, Department of Nursing, UQO; Nabila Bouchala, Coordinator, Projet Pères immigrants, Regroupement pour la Valorisation de la Paternité; Laurence Lefebvre-Beaulieu, Liaison Officer and Trainer, Projet Pères immigrants, Regroupement pour la Valorisation de la Paternité; Daniella Landrys Fitiavanjanahary, PhD Candidate, UQAM; Stéphane Hernandez, Social Worker, Youth Mental Health program, CIUSSS-du-Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Document de présentation




Panel 1 – Crossed perspectives on male migration

Within this panel, three speakers address, based on their experiences, various challenges encountered by men in their immigration and integration journeys, as well as the strengths they mobilize.
Papa Ladjiike Diouf, Clinical services Manager, SALUS Ottawa. Clinical Supervisor, Saint-Paul University , Ottawa
Marie-Rosaire Kalanga Wa Tshisekedi, Specialized transcultural psychologist, founder of the organisation Baobab familial
Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, , Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University, Co-PI & Toronto Co-Lead of the Strength in unity project- Men Speaking Out Against Stigma
Nancy Clark, Director of social justice studies and Associate Professor, Faculty of Human and Social Development, School of Nursing at the University of Victoria

17 avril 2024


Welcome speech and address: Marie-Lyne Brunet, Vice President, Social Development and Evaluation, Centraide of Greater Montreal


Men, masculinities and migration: theoretical perspectives

Marie-Rose Moro, Child Psychiatrist, Université de Paris Cité, Hôpital Cochin, Paris


Marie-Rose Moro is a medical doctor and human sciences scholar, as well as a psychoanalyst with training in anthropology. For 30 years, she has developed transcultural clinical practices and therapies that aim to adapt healthcare frameworks, techniques, and research methods in mental health to immigrant families and their children. Currently serving as the head of the Adolescent Department at Cochin Hospital (APHP), Maison de Solenn, she is an international leader in transcultural psychiatry for children, adolescents, and families.


Reflections on conducting research with immigrant/refugee men

David Este, Professor Emeritus of Social Work, University of Calgary

David Este est professeur émérite à la Faculté de service social à l’Université de Calgary. Une grande partie de ses recherches tourne autour de différents aspects de l’expérience d’immigrant/réfugié au Canada. Il s’est intéressé, notamment, au racisme, au bien-être des hommes immigrants au Canada et au recours aux services de lutte contre le VIH/sida par les nouveaux arrivants africains à Calgary. Il étudie la question des pères immigrants depuis plus de 20 ans.

Document de présentation




Concurrent workshops session

Financial strain, loss of social status and psychological well-being among recently-arrived migrant fathers with young children

Lisa Merry, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Université de Montréal Christine Gervais, professor, Département des sciences infirmières, Université du Québec en Outaouais

This study aims to investigate the impact of financial strain and loss of social status on the psychological well-being of recently arrived migrant fathers with young children in Canada. Preliminary results, based on data from 159 fathers in Montreal, Hamilton, and Edmonton, reveal diverse countries of origin, with a significant number from India, Colombia, Mexico, Nigeria, and Syria. Over half reported education not being fully recognized, and a majority faced unemployment or felt a mismatch between skills and employment. Financial challenges were evident, with a considerable percentage reporting low income and spending a significant portion on housing. The findings suggest that financial strain and social status loss may contribute to poorer psychological well-being, affecting aspects such as loneliness, depressive symptomatology, and self-reported health status. The study highlights the need for attention to the well-being of migrant fathers facing these challenges.



Fathering here, fathering there… A phenomenological study of the impact of forced migration and resettlement on Syrian refugee fathers in Canada

Adnan Al Mhamied, PhD Candidate, Social Work School, McGill University

Refugee fathers have been largely ignored by family researchers and service providers. This presentation provides an interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) of data from semi-structured interviews conducted between November 2020 and March 2021 with 17 Syrian refugee fathers resettled in Canada. The interviews focused on the meanings refugee men gave to fatherhood, their fathering practices, and the sense they made of their experience of being a Syrian refugee father in Canada. This presentation highlights how Syrian fatherhood is shaped by cultural norms of the home country as well as by religious beliefs. However, participants’ definitions of fatherhood as head of the household, primary breadwinners and decisionmakers in the family, holding unique positions both within their families and in their communities, shifted during the resettlement process. Following resettlement, these meanings were revisited and redefined. Hyper-fatherhood and adjusted fatherhood practices are new types of fatherhood that emerged during resettlement for Syrian refugees. A discussion of promising practices for frontline practitioners will conclude the presentation.



Navigating migration stressors, promoting male allyship, and combating gender-based violence with White Ribbon

Monica Boquin, Community Engagement Manager, White Ribbon

This presentation aims to highlight the often-overlooked pre- and post-migration stressors experienced by immigrant and refugee men, and how these can contribute to gender-based violence. Limited support and services hinder their ability to navigate barriers such as racism and social isolation. It stresses the importance of promoting male allyship to prevent violence within immigrant communities. Understanding these challenges and developing programs that foster allyship can lead to more effective immigrant integration and support for gender equality. The presentation discusses White Ribbon’s six-year approach in implementing the ICRNFF campaign.


This workshop explores the complexities of the realities of gay, bisexual, queer, and men who have sex with men (gbqHARSAH) individuals who are also migrants and racialized persons. These individuals face multiple forms of violence, ranging from heteronormative and cisnormative violence in their countries of origin to challenges related to regularization of their migratory status, employment, and housing upon arrival in Canada. Structural barriers such as xenophobia, racism, homophobia, and transphobia complicate their access to healthcare, contributing to a disproportionate risk of HIV and/or STI infections among this population. The workshop highlights innovative initiatives in Quebec, such as the Mauve Clinic, which aims to improve access to care and promote anti-oppressive, anti-racist, and intersectional approaches. Presenters offer an overview of recent research on migrant and racialized gbqHARSAH individuals, encouraging dialogue among researchers, practitioners, healthcare and community settings to identify strategies for improving healthcare for this population.

Ahmed Hamila, Professor, Département de sociologie, Université de Montréal; Edward Ou Jin Lee, Associate Professor, École de travail social, Université de Montréal; Marianne Chbat, Sociologist and PhD in Applied Human Sciences, Université de Montréal; Jorge Flores-Aranda, professor, École de travail social, UQAM; Kinda Wassef, Research agent, Centre de recherche en santé publique, École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal

Travailler dans le secteur de la construction : défis au masculin

Lucio Castracani, Project Manager, SHERPA University Institute; Postdoctoral Fellow, Université de Sherbrooke; Marie-Jeanne Blain, Researcher, Centre de recherche et de partage des savoirs InterActions; Adjunct Professor, Département d’anthropologie, Université de Montréal

This research, led by Marie-Jeanne Blain and conducted in collaboration with the Quebec Construction Commission and the Roundtable of Organizations Serving Refugees and Immigrants, examines the specific challenges faced by immigrant individuals working in the construction sector in Quebec. The presentation highlights the various issues and facilitating factors for the inclusion of this population in this field, considering intersections between migratory status, language, and origin, elements contributing to professional marginalization. Reflections on the challenges faced by this population are outlined, followed by proposals for promising actions to promote their integration.


Projets d’études et de travail de jeunes hommes récemment immigrés à Montréal : quelles ont été leurs ressources de soutien significatives?

Marie-Jeanne Blain, Researcher, Centre de recherche et de partage des savoirs InterActions; Adjunct Professor, Département d’anthropologie, Université de Montréal; Éloïse Jaumier, Master’s student in Anthropology and Research Assistant, University of Montreal; with the collaboration of Lourdes Rodriguez del Barrio and Roxane Caron

This presentation focuses on the significant transition experienced by young adults aged 18 to 25, exploring the challenges and aspirations related to future planning and the development of socio-professional projects. As part of a comprehensive project on socio-professional integration dynamics and local and transnational support resources, 29 young adults and 17 stakeholders were interviewed. Emphasis will be placed on the experiences of 12 men with various immigration statuses residing in Montreal for less than five years. Using a narrative approach, the presentation will delve into the experiences, meanings, and representations of these young men in their employment and educational pathways, highlighting the mobilization of formal or informal support resources such as peer networks, institutions, or community organizations.


Accès aux soins de santé pour les travailleurs migrants accidentés : défis et pistes de solutions

Jill Hanley, Scientific Director, SHERPA University Institute; Full Professor, McGill University

For thirty years, it has been evident that migrant workers, especially those earning low wages, face barriers in accessing healthcare. This issue, already widely studied, takes on a gendered dimension for male migrant workers, often involved in the agricultural sector. Their experience of accessing healthcare is shaped by gendered personal, professional, and family concerns, in addition to being influenced by gender stereotypes during their interactions with healthcare professionals. The presentation highlights recent findings on healthcare access for migrant workers who have experienced workplace accidents, while also outlining a training program for stakeholders in the healthcare and social services network aimed at improving access to care for this particular population.

The involvement of immigrant fathers in the context of migration has been poorly studied. Contemporary immigration is a phenomenon that alters the paternal identity of immigrant fathers. These changes include adaptation to a new home, a new social environment, a new school system, language, culture, workplace, and profession. While some immigrant fathers prioritize their role as providers rather than closeness with their children, several studies report the development of a more intimate parental relationship after immigration between the father, his partner, and their children. It is important to develop intervention methods, tools, and programs to meet their needs. This workshop is the result of various studies currently conducted by Professor Saïd Bergheul and his students. It includes a presentation of the concept of paternal engagement, programs designed to develop this engagement, and an overview of the school involvement of immigrant fathers. It also addresses the reality of the engagement of English-speaking immigrant fathers in Quebec.

Saïd Bergheul, Associate Professor, École de psychoéducation, UQAT; Nebila Jean-Claude Bationo, Ph.D. in Psychopedagogy, UQAT; Tano Hubert Konan, PhD Candidate, Education Sciences, UQAT; Yannick Sanschagrin, M.Sc. in anthropology and Rsearch Assistant, UQAT

List of presentations:

  • Nebila Jean-Claude Bationo and Saïd Bergheul: Programs aimed at fostering paternal involvement.
  • Saïd Bergheul, Nebila Jean-Claude Bationo, Tano Hubert Konan, Jean Ramdé, Leyla Sall, and Ourhou Abdelaaziz: Development of a program aimed at fostering paternal involvement among immigrant fathers.
  • Tano Hubert Konan and Saïd Bergheul: Involvement of immigrant fathers in their children’s education.
  • Yannick Sanschagrin and Saïd Bergheul: The reality of English-speaking immigrant fathers in Quebec.





Concurrent workshops sessions

This roundtable highlights two innovative initiatives: the speech and support workshops implemented by CARI St-Laurent and the Multiethnic Center of Quebec. We will discuss these practices, the challenges and facilitating elements of intervention with men, as well as development avenues. Special attention will be given to the results of research conducted on one of these practices and the perspectives of immigrant men who actively participate in these workshops.

Anaïs El Amraoui, SHERPA University Institute; Josiane Le Gall, In House Researcher, SHERPA University Institute and Adjunct Professor, Department of Anthropology, Université de Montréal; Jean-Pierre Ndiamy, Counselor, Multiethnic Center of Quebec; Marc-Antoine Barré, Counsellor, Multicultural Centre of Quebec ; Thierry Nguiamba, Social Integration Counselor, CARI St-Laurent; Faty Diambang, Social Integration Advisor, CARI St-Laurent; Abdul-Rahman Ahmed, BaoPapas Program Manager and Social Worker, Baobab familial; Julie Ledoux, Director and Social Worker, Baobab familial

MOSAIC, with over 30 years of expertise, specializes in violence prevention programs, including tailored services for men. Their trauma-informed and culturally sensitive approach addresses the unique needs of diverse clients. The presentation will focus on the history and recent evolution of Men’s programming at MOSAIC, emphasizing successful programs for men, especially immigrants and refugees. It will cover learnings, adaptation strategies, financial challenges, positive shifts in community and government support, and the need for advocacy in men’s services. Specific programs, such as Relationship Violence Prevention, Men in Change, Anger Management Care, and Enhancing Healthy Relationships, will be briefly discussed. The goal is to provide insights, address challenges, and advocate for the significance of men’s services, concluding with a Q&A session and resource sharing.

Pooja Tuli, Manager, Men in Change Programs, MOSAIC, British-Columbia; Dilyadav Singh, Coordonator, Men in Change Programs, MOSAIC, Colombie-Britanique


Healthcare and service providers are increasingly encountering immigrant men and facing highly diverse realities in this context, which are often unfamiliar to them. Following the development of a tool by the Sherpa University Institute to promote an approach sensitive to the realities of immigrant men, this roundtable will provide an opportunity to hear from interveners who have developed innovative approaches, as well as from immigrant men who have experienced the services. This exchange will allow for a cross-perspective on the necessary adaptation of practices to better meet the needs of immigrant men.

Marie-Laurence Bordeleau-Payer, Ph.D. in Sociology, Research Collaborator, UI SHERPA and Lecturer, UQO; Stéphane Hernandez, Social Worker, CIUSSS-du-Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal and practitioner-researcher, IU SHERPA, CIUSSS West-Central Montreal; Annie LeBrun, Psychologist, Polarization Clinic – CIUSSS West-Central Montreal and Planning, Programming, and Research Officer, UI SHERPA. Guests: Anne-Marie Bellemare, Social Worker, Maison Bleue; Marie-Rosaire Kalanga, Psychotherapist specialized in clinical psychology, teaching, and research, and Founder of Baobab familial; Tomas Sierra, Stage Director, UI SHERPA collaborator; Djimmy Rouzard, Social Worker, Montreal Haitian Community Bureau

This workshop focuses on the challenges faced by immigrant fathers in Quebec, highlighting two initiatives, Parent Space (PS) and Intervention Space (IS), designed for immigrant parents and accompanying professionals. Initiated in 2016, PS offers a series of workshops aimed at helping immigrant parents adapt to their parental role in the context of immigration, addressing topics such as the impact of migration on the family and the paternal role. A specific activity for fathers aims to broaden their conception of paternal involvement and strengthen their sense of self-efficacy. The IS project, launched in 2022, is an extension of PS, offering professional co-development groups in six Montreal boroughs, focused on the systemic intercultural approach. Designed by and for professionals, IS promotes the sharing of resources and experiences to better support immigrant parents and strengthen local collaboration among professionals. The impacts of these initiatives, both on immigrant fathers and professionals, will also be explored during the workshop.

Laurent Bélanger, PhD candidate, Department of Psychoeducation and Psychology, UQO; Myriam Richard, PhD candidate, School of Social Work, Université de Montréal and Coordinator, Espace Intervenant; Julio César Macario de Medeiros, Research Advisor, School of Psychoeducation, Université de Montréal; Berna Elias, Doctoral Candidate, School of Social Work, Université de Montréal; with the collaboration of: Sarah Dufour, Université de Montréal; Chantal Lavergne, Institut universitaire jeunes en difficulté; Marie-Ève Clément, UQO

Slideshow A

Slideshow B




Panel 2 – Reaching out to and supporting immigrant men and fathers: Innovative practices

As part of this panel, participants will present programs and initiatives specifically implemented to reach out to and support immigrant men in Calgary, Vancouver, and Montreal.
Veronica Islas, Director, Carrefour de ressources en interculturel (CRIC)
Pooja Tuli, Manager, Men in Change Programs, MOSAIC: Settlement and employment services for newcomers, British Columbia
Liza Lorenzetti, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, Activist and member of Alberta Men’s network
Dr. Jun Naraval, Programs and Policy Manager, ActionDignity


IdeActions activity