Globalization, associated with growing migration and a questioning of national borders, is also characterized by economic inequalities and political tensions which upset international geopolitical stability and have local repercussions on social peace. The growing polarization of society around identity issues and the various manifestations of violent radicalization in Quebec and elsewhere offer a challenge to clinicians, researchers and diverse partners who collaborate on four complementary action points (prevention, training, intervention and research) to address this phenomenon in the field of health and social services and respond from an ecosystemic perspective.
Researchers and partners from extremely different areas of practice work together to realize these four axes in close partnership with integrated primary care services, which deliver clinical service and training at local and provincial levels. The academic affairs department helps ensure the national and international influence of this cutting-edge practice. SHERPA’s activities are also carried out in close collaboration with the Research and Action on Social Partnerships team (RAPS), the Canadian Practitioners Network for Prevention of Radicalization and Extremist Violence (CPN-PREV) and several ministries, including the MSSS (Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services) within the framework of its 2015-2018 action plan, « La radicalisation au Québec : agir, prévenir, détecter et vivre ensemble » (radicalization in Quebec: act, prevent, detect and social harmony).
Documenting the determinants of violent radicalization:
- Understand to better prevent: Factors of risk and protection in the violent radicalization of youth in Quebec [French]
- Transnational study (pooled data) on factors of risk and protection in the radicalization of youth leading to violence. [French]
Supporting and training primary intervention workers
- Identifying best practices in evaluation, intervention and prevention of radicalization leading to violence through systematic literature reviews [French]
- Development and evaluation of training created for psycho-social workers in healthcare, social services and education [French]
- Clinical intervention in a situation of radicalization: implementation and evaluation of a model of clinical consultation and supervision relating to social polarizations. [French]