The birth of child is a significant moment in the life cycle. The perinatal and post-natal periods are charged with meaning and at the same time challenge the knowledge, values and practices of newly arrived families and intervention workers. It may sometimes also be the very first time that recent immigrants come into contact with their host society’s services, such as the CLSC, school, etc. Early childhood and perinatality in an immigration context constituted the first research specialization of CSSS de la Montagne, now integrated into the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal.
Through the lens of parenting and the family, issues related to identity, social roles, transmission as well as intervention and adaptation of services in a context of immigration and diversity are addressed here.
A systematic review of the literature on the question of the parenting experiences of refugees, asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants was carried out by a researcher member of SHERPA in 2017. Read >>
- Bien-être des enfants et climat social au Québec: L’expérience de jeunes issus de l’immigration
- Community-based psychosocial intervention for asylum seeking families: a participatory ethnographic implementation study
- Transnationalism and health and social services for migrant families with young children [French]Transnationalisme et services de santé et sociaux pour les familles migrantes avec de jeunes enfants
- Geographies of care: professionals, caregivers and children’s views of (in)adequate supervision across cultures
- Female Genital Mutilation-Excision (FGME) in Canada [French]Les Mutilations Génitales Féminines-Excision (MGFE) au Canada
- Parenting for the Promotion of Adolescent Mental Health
- Document the issue of iron deficiency anemia in children from 0 to 5 years old and identify best nutrition interventions with immigrant communities in Parc Extension [French]
- Migrant friendly maternity care in Montreal
- Determinants of iron deficiency anemia in pre-school immigrant children: the role of nutrition, attachment and maternal depression [French]
- Working group to establish an anemia prevention programme for children from 0 to 5 years old in Montreal [French]