Call for communications : International colloquium of the revue transculturelle L’Autre – Exposed Youth: Constructing a Sense of Belonging in a World Shaped by Multiple Influences
Call for communication!
THE SHERPA University Institute is collaborating with Pediatric Transcultural Clinic of Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital and the Transcultural Psychiatry Clinic of Jean-Talon Hospital to host the 31st International Colloquium of the Revue Transculturelle L’autre on the theme of identity construction among
young people in culturally diversified societies, to be held in Montreal on October 23 and 24, 2025.
You are invited to submit either an individual paper lasting approximately 25 minutes or a full workshop lasting approximately 90 minutes. You can also submit a scientific poster.
The deadline for submissions is April 21, 2025.
Thursday, October 23 - Friday, October 24, 2025