La « compétence culturelle » : réflexion critique sur l’usage de cette expression dans le domaine de la santé et des services sociaux
This critical reflection focuses on the expression “cultural competence” commonly used in the health and social services sector. We discuss its associated effects in a culturally diverse clinical context when personalized and ethical care is of essence. We argue that the juxtaposition of the terms “competence” and “culture” could produce an expression that overlooks the subtleties and diverse specifics of those seeking and needing care. Referring to two very specific concepts adjacent to each other limits the effectiveness of providing personalized care while ensuring for professional ethics, allowing for access to quality care and equitable treatment. These two concepts next to each other unduly increase expectations of health and social services providers while creating a sense of dissatisfaction added with a feeling of powerlessness towards quality of care and services.
- competence,
- culture,
- cultural competence,
- intervention in health and social services,
- ethics
Members and SHERPA Teams
Bilkis Vissandjée
Professor, Faculté des sciences infirmières, Université de Montréal