Satisfaction à l’égard de la vie, discrimination perçue, religiosité et santé mentale dans l’islam soufi : une perspective montréalaise
The central objective of this paper is to explore the dynamic interactions between 5 sets of variables, which are Sociodemographic Characteristics,
Satisfaction with Life, Perceived Discrimination, Religiosity and Emotional Distress within Montreal’s Tariqa Qadiriya Boudchichiya, a Muslim Sufi way whose origins are Moroccan and date back to the 18th century.
As a method, we considered psychological distress as the dependent
variable and performed univariate descriptive statistical analyzes, bivariate correlation analyzes (Pearson correlation), one-way ANOVA analyzes, and multivariate analyzes (linear regressions).
Our results, although preliminary due to a relatively small sample (n = 56),
allow us to put forward a new hypothesis suggesting that the intense spiritual
practice that characterizes the Tariqa, would allow “a work of the self on self”
through a set of “techniques of the self” (Foucault) that contribute to a certain
emotional well-being, if not to mental health.
Our conclusion underlines the importance of investigating more in
depth the possible contribution of religiosity to the subject’s capacity to act on
oneself in order to emerge as a spiritual, ethical and political subject.