The Experience of Immigrant Parents Following a Perinatal Death

Verdon, C., Zeghiche, S., de Montigny, F., Gervais, C. et I. Côté (2020)
Science of Nursing and Health Practices - Science infirmière et pratiques en santé

Introduction: One in five pregnancies does not make it to term in Canada and this type of loss is a painful experience for most parents. Research that has focused on the experiences of these bereaved families describes interventions that should be favored, but generalizes them to all
populations affected by this phenomenon. As a result, their needs are unknown and support and care interventions for them are not well developed and personalized.

Objectives: The objective of this study is to describe, throughout their care path, the experience of immigrant parents who have gone through a perinatal death. The second objective is to describe their needs.

Method: A descriptive and qualitative research using semi-structured interviews was conducted with 18 immigrant parents who had experienced a perinatal death in the last 5 years and who were living in 3 different regions of Quebec (Canada).

Results: The experience of immigrant parents with perinatal death reveals 3 themes: a lack of knowledge of the health care system, the importance of
personalized care and isolation that is affected by their migrant experience.

Discussion and conclusion: The experience of having suffered a perinatal death involves specific characteristics unique to the immigrant community. The parents from this community experience greater challenges considering the immigration context. Simple clinical recommendations could recognize
their particular life experience as an immigrant parent. It is essential to adapt the treatments offered to them accordingly

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christine gervais

Christine Gervais

Professeure au département des sciences infirmières, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)