La prise en compte de la diversité ethnoculturelle, religieuse et linguistique en éducation : bref retour historique et enjeux actuels pour la recherche et la formation
Taking ethnocultural, religious and linguistic diversity into account in educational contexts is recognized today, in Quebec as elsewhere, as a facilitator of educational success for all students. We begin this paper by examining research in this field, using historical and reflexive perspectives of various milestones in the development of the field, to highlight the transformation of research foci over the years and to shed light on the current state of the field, which finds itself at the center of tense social debates on issues of racism and immigration. Secondly, we take a critical look at the field by discussing three issues: 1) the language surrounding ethnocultural, religious and linguistic diversity; 2) the recognition of systemic dynamics; and 3) the current socio-political context and the tensions inherent in it. We conclude with a more personal reflection on the importance of making our positionalities explicit, reflecting on them, and adopting a learning posture.
Families, parenthood and perinatal careMembers and SHERPA Teams

Geneviève Audet
Professeure, Département d’éducation et formation spécialisées, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)