Creative expression workshops in school: Prevention programs for immigrant and refugee children

Rousseau, C., Lacroix, L., Singh, A., Gauthier, M.-F., & Benoit, M. (2005)
ournal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
14 | 77–80


Immigrant and refugee families underutilize mental health services and schools are in a good position to develop prevention programs to help children adapt to their new environment.


The transcultural psychiatry team at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, in partnership with schools, has implemented creative expression workshops for kindergarten, elementary schools, and high school to help the children bridge the gap between past and present, culture of origin and host society.


The workshops provide a safe space for expression, acknowledge and value diversity, allow the establishment of continuity, and facilitate the transformation of adversity.


Refugee and immigrant children’s needs should be addressed through intersectoral programs that target exclusion and support a sense of agency.