Homelessness and housing insecurity among im/migrants in Canada: A scoping review
While housing insecurity has been a concern for im/migrant households for decades, it is only relatively recent that im/migrant homelessness has emerged as a growing problem. This article presents the results of a scoping review of 52 published Canadian studies on housing insecurity and homelessness among im/migrants. Findings confirm that im/migrant experiences of housing insecurity must be understood intersectionally, with social location, discrimination, health, cultural and family considerations playing into housing outcomes. In terms of homelessness, economic challenges were unsurprisingly paramount, but family dynamics, health crises and language barriers all played important roles. We conclude with a discussion of how recent shifts in migration patterns, particularly the increase in numbers of im/migrants within a context of housing crisis, have brought the risk of im/migrant homelessness to the fore with underscoring the urgent need for further research on the topic.
Migration and Integration PoliciesMembers and SHERPA Teams

Jill Hanley
Scientific Director, SHERPA University Institute; Full Professor, School of Social Work, McGill University