Full remission and recovery in a case of severe childhood psychosis after completion of a psychiatric day program

Mubasher, R., Heyman, M., & Kronick, R. (2023, septembre)
Psychiatry Research Case Reports
Vol. 2(2023) 100163: ElsevierB.V.T | 4 p.


Psychotic disorders with childhood onset before age 13 are rare and may have worse prognosis than their adult counterparts, although early detection and treatment may improve outcomes. This paper presents a case of a severe primary psychotic disorder in an 8-year-old child. Early initiation of antipsychotic medication combined with participation in an intensive, 6-month psychiatric day treatment program for children resulted in full remission of psychotic symptoms and a highly successful school reintegration. This case highlights the importance of early pharmacological and psychosocial interventions in improving outcomes in childhood-onset psychosis and potentially altering the course of a chronic and debilitating illness like schizophrenia.

Members and SHERPA Teams

Rachel Kronick

Professor, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry McGill University.; Centre for Child Development and Mental Health at the Jewish General Hospital