SHERPA Lunch Webinars

SHERPA Lunch Webinars are free conferences aimed at a diverse audience: speakers, students and trainees, managers and researchers. They are presented in the form of webinars. They are followed by a discussion period during which participants have the opportunity to discuss together the results of the research presented or the issues it raises. They are intended as a space for exchange between the research and practice communities.

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Consult here the list of the previous lunchtime webinars and the slide shows presented by the speakers >>

► LES MIDIS ATELIERS are a new series of interactive workshops aimed at supporting intervention by addressing specific themes to meet the needs of practice environments.

midi sherpa - un enfant regarde dans un kaléidoscope

La philosophie pour enfants en milieu scolaire pluriethnique : une piste potentielle pour l’éducation interculturelle (French)


June 5, 2024, 12:00 pm -1:00 pm

With Ellen Fowler. Master Candidate, Département d’éducation et formation spécialisées, UQAM

Details to come S'inscrire