‘We want our own data!’: building Black community accountability in the collection of health data using a Black emancipatory action research approach
Community accountability is a model through which to redress anti-Black racism in health care and to create community-based participatory research about the health of Black Canadians. This article provides a case example of a study undertaken by a Black community collective in Quebec made up of researchers, activists, service providers, business leaders and their allies who sought community accountability in making visible the impact of COVID-19 on local Black communities. The principles articulated within the Black emancipatory action research approach () are used to ground an analysis of our research-activist process in order to illuminate how knowledge gained through the collection of data can be used to help inform Black communities about the realities, needs and concerns of their members, to advocate for rights and entitlements, and to work towards community accountability in research that empowers Black communities, both in Quebec and elsewhere.
Liens sociaux et intercommunautairesMembres et équipe SHERPA

Jill Hanley
Directrice scientifique, Institut universitaire SHERPA; Professeure titulaire, École de travail social, Université McGill